contractions during pregnancy

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What is Contraction Pain?

Child birthing involves the process of delivering the baby from the mother’s uterus. At such instances, mothers undergo multiple contraction pains. A contraction pain occurs when the muscles of the uterus swiftly get tightened and relaxed. The sudden contraction of the pelvic muscles creates a contraction pain. Each Contraction lasts about 5 to 10 seconds and helps in dilating the cervix which facilitates moving the baby out of the womb. Contraction pains are so intense that it restricts the mother to do any activity. Contractions during pregnancy occurs multiple times until the moment of baby delivery, but the level of pain feels different with advancement in time. 

Contraction pain occurs as a result of tightening and relaxation of the pelvic muscles in a periodic manner. Oxytocin hormone is released by the pituitary gland which helps in tightening muscles around the uterus. The lower abdomen, back, and pelvis experience pressure during labor contractions, along with dull aching.

Additionally, the sides and thighs of mothers may hurt. Researchers examined 22 women who had experienced labor pain and delivery for the study of “Baby movement during labor.” It was concluded that there is a direct correlation between baby movement and uterine contractions since they discovered that an astounding 89.8% of contractions also involved movement of baby. So as labor progresses, the baby will be doing the best he/she can facilitate the process. The dilation of cervix occurs when the baby’s head pushes into the birth canal. The baby usually rotates and moves during birthing to make its way through the mother’s womb.

How to reduce Contraction Pain?

There are several techniques to help in relieving contraction pain. Undergoing massages, water immersion techniques, acupuncture, and also aromatherapy, all these were able to reduce the labor contraction to an extent but not totally relieve the pain. Usage of sterile water injections provided pain relief along with multiple side effects like difficulty in breathing, fever, swelling of the face, lips, tongue, or throat, and also redness at the injection site.

ELLE TENS – Your Lifesaver During Labour

Using maternity TENS has proven to be an effective solution in relieving contraction pain non-invasively, painlessly, without using any drugs also has no side effects. ELLE TENS is an award-winning maternity TENS device that involves the use of mild electrical pulses which block the pain signals and allows only the pain reliving hormones to reach the site of pain origin, thereby aiding in pain relief.

ELLE TENS has 2 modes called the BURST mode, used between the contractions and the BOOST mode is exclusively used during the contraction pain. The BURST and the BOOST mode differ from each other based on the pulse rate it offers in their respective modes.

  • BURST 1 MODE – 1 pulse per second
  • BURST 2 MODE – 2 pulses per second
  • BOOST 1 MODE – 80 pulses per second
  • BOOST 2 MODE – 100 pulses per second

The BOOST mode is to be used only during the contraction. When the BOOST mode is enabled, there is an extra rush of power that helps to cope with the pain of contractions in pregnancy. During early labor, the BOOST 1 is employed followed by BOOST 2 when the contractions become more frequent. The unique OPTI-MAX technology provides greater power during the toughest times at the end of labor. Using ELLE TENS helps in the effective reduction of contraction pain without any side effects and is a drug-free method providing assertive solutions in delivering a baby painlessly.

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