Blogs & Testimonials

Know more about the symptoms & cause of Postpartum Hemorrhage. Treatments are available for PPH condition.
Understands Why "+" have added after Elle Tens? What are the special features of Elle Tens.
Read the article explaining in detail contraction pain and the correlation between baby movement and uterine contractions. Additionally, discover how
Discover how ELLE TENS can provide a safe and effective pain management solution during childbirth. Also, explore the wide range
Read further to understand more about the genetics of pain. Anything and everything regarding a living cell has to do
Postpartum incontinence refers to urinary incontinence, which is the involuntary partial or full release of the bladder after pregnancy and
Is it possible to deliver babies without labour pain? wonder how? Read an article to know about it.
How exactly the birthing tens machine works? Maternity TENS provides support during the phases of delivery and effectively reduces labour
Read all the techniques to manage labour pain effectively. Is there any Drug Free pain reduction technique available in India?

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